Thursday, August 23, 2012

Junior Cadets and Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of St. John Internation

This past week, the Junior Cadets of and Auxiliary of the knights and Ladies of St. John International held their Jamboree in our Parish. It was a four day program. I helped them in a few areas that they need my assistance. I was very happy to see these young boys and girls on fire for their Faith.
I had the privilege of exposing the Blessed Sacrament for Adoration and inasmuch as I could see that some of them had never had that opportunity to adore the Lord, I could feel the hunger in them to be so close to the Lord. It is my hope that God willing other groups will be introduced to Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament outside Mass. Below are a couple of Pictures for that Occasion

On their final day last Sunday, they had a parade and joined in the procession. It was very well organized and again I was filled with you to see all these young ones on fire for the Lord. Below are more pictures.
Closing Parade
Closing Parade Junior Auxiliary
Inspecting the closing Parade (Kadet) with Fr. Tony, a visiting native priest
Inspecting the closing Parade 
cross section of the Band

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