Sunday, December 30, 2012

Priestly Ordination Dec. 1, 2012

Finally as many of you are aware, I was ordained on December 1, 2012 along with my three other brothers, Kevin, Peter and Albert. Thank you so much for all your prayers, support and all the cards i recieved from you. I am forever grateful to you and continue to pray for you. Those cards and prayers means a lot for me. Thank you for your friendship and love.

knights and Ladies Auxillary of St. John Int.
Knights and Ladies of Marshal

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy Coming New Year. I have not forgoton about this blog. The internet connection here really got too slow that it was very difficult to update or upload pictures. I do appologize if anyone came to this blog to read something new only to find old stuff.
I am hopng to be able to catch up with all the events begining with pictures from my Ordination through to what i have been up to these days.
God bless you and again Merry Christmas to you.