Sunday, April 14, 2013

Easter 2013; My First as a Priest :)

God is good all the time and he continues to bring more people into salvation.
This year in the Basilica Parish alone, we baptized 261 candidates into the Catholic Faith.

Please pray for these new converts

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Priestly Ordination Dec. 1, 2012

Finally as many of you are aware, I was ordained on December 1, 2012 along with my three other brothers, Kevin, Peter and Albert. Thank you so much for all your prayers, support and all the cards i recieved from you. I am forever grateful to you and continue to pray for you. Those cards and prayers means a lot for me. Thank you for your friendship and love.

knights and Ladies Auxillary of St. John Int.
Knights and Ladies of Marshal

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy Coming New Year. I have not forgoton about this blog. The internet connection here really got too slow that it was very difficult to update or upload pictures. I do appologize if anyone came to this blog to read something new only to find old stuff.
I am hopng to be able to catch up with all the events begining with pictures from my Ordination through to what i have been up to these days.
God bless you and again Merry Christmas to you.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


On Saturday, one priest from the southern Part of Ghana, Cape Coast, was leading a Catholic Charismatic Program at the University of Development Studies in Navrongo. He has never been in this part of the country and so I decided to take him to Paga, where we have the friendly crocodiles. It was an amazing excursion and very fascinating.

 In my Holy Spirit Parish Sweater


Thursday, October 18, 2012


Pope Benedict XVI in his Opening homily for the Year of Faith said "It is in starting from the experience of this desert, from this void, that we can again discover the joy of believing, its vital importance for us, men and women. In the desert we rediscover the value of what is essential for living; thus in today’s world there are innumerable signs, often expressed implicitly or negatively, of the thirst for God, for the ultimate meaning of life. And in the desert people of faith are needed who, with their own lives, point out the way to the Promised Land and keep hope alive. Living faith opens the heart to the grace of God which frees us from pessimism. Today, more than ever, evangelizing means witnessing to the new life, transformed by God, and thus showing the path."
On Friday, October 12, in my Diocese, the Year of Faith was lunched by a Candle light procession to the Basilica where the faith started. The following day we had a talk on the Faith by one of our Older Priest, Rev. Fr. Abasi who gave us an exposure on the Second Vatican Council and how we as a diocese could strengthen our Faith.
The Opening Mass was said by the Bishop of the Diocese Most Reverend Alfred Agyenta and I was privileged to assist at the Mass as a Deacon with Deacon Albert Wugaa.
The Bishop at the end of Mass unveiled a cross that the diocese would use to mark the year of faith. This cross will travel the whole diocese in the course of the Year and finally reach its destination at the Cathedral in Bolgatanga where the closing Mass will be held. Thus starting from where the Faith came to us commissioned for the new evangelization.

Students of Notre Dame Minor Seminary Senior High

Students of Notre Dame Minor Seminary Senior High

Students of Notre Dame Minor Seminary Senior High

Cross Section of the People in the Minor Basilica

Cross Section of the People in the Minor Basilica



Roasary in the Basilica after the Candle light procession

Bishop Agyenta looking at the Year of Faith Cross for the Diocese that will travel all the parishes in the Diocese

Monday, October 8, 2012


The month of October as we all know is the month of the Rosary. In my diocese, Navrongo- Bolgatanga, this is celebrated big in all the parishes around. For instance, all the parishes meet up every day to pray the Rosary together. After the first week, the Statue of the Blessed Virgin is then given to the various Christian Communities so they can pray weekly in their own communities.
Over here in the Basilica, they have a long tradition of having Exposition, Rosary and Benediction every day in the whole month of October at 5:00pm every evening. The Grotto is always packed for this important encounter with the Lord in prayer.


Blessing Rosaries

my new friend after Rosary Prayers :)


Tuesday, October 2, 2012


These might be a little bit late but that is because i could not get access to internet :) This is Ghana for that matter :-)

Since the  Patron of our Dioces and the parish I am assigned to for that matter is the Feast of the Our Lady of Sorrows, My parish had a week-long prepartion to celebrate this all important feast.
in the couse of the week leading to September 15, we had Rosary prayers at 5:00pm every day. I am so amazed at the turn out ever day of the week and the full and active participation of the parishioners.

Rosary Prayers


Rosary prayers